Ctrl+Tab is the only shortcut you need to know

Getting to know the Layer1 bar.

Think of the Layer1 Bar as your navigation center for your desktop. Use [Option]+ [Space] to open the bar and use it by typing in a keyword or command from the list below. You can open any document, web page, app and much more

Typing "Mail" will select your tab containing your emails and will bring it to the foreground

Let's say you have 50 apps or pages open and need to find an important page. Use a relevant keyword in the Meta Bar and you'll be able to quickly find it.


Command / keyword

Launch Meta Bar




Pause what Meta is recording for you

"Pause capture"

Open Meta settings and preferences


Getting to know Spaces

Think of Layer1 Spaces as self-contained workspaces where you can organize your desktop content. Jump in and out your different Layer1 Spaces by using option+tab, the floating icon, or Meta Bar.

To create your first Layer1Space, open the Layer1 Bar and type "create new space from desktop". This will save all your open windows to a custom Layer1 Space. Once your spaces are built, use the "push" and "pull" commands to move things from space to space.


Command / keyword

Launch Layer1 Bar

option + space

Create blank new space

"create new space"

Create new space from everthing on desktop

"create new space from desktop"

Launch a space

"launch" + name of space

Exit back to default space


Close all windows in space


Mark as floating keeps app open across all spaces

"mark as floating" + name of window/app

Mark as transient keeps app open for a set amount of time

"mark as transient" + name of window/app

Push window from your space

"push" + name of space

Pull window into your space

"pull" + name of space

Jump to a specific obiect across all spaces

"switch" + name object


Lost a window?

use "debug" + create new space from unsed windows

Need some more info?

use "debug" + show window status overlay

use "debug" + show window status overlay

try turning the meta extension off and on again

Getting to know Rewind

Navigate back through your desktop history


Pull text from any past event that has crossed your screen.


Simply click a past browser window to reopen it.

Rewind allows you to not just replay but recall anything that's ever come across your desktop. This means you can revist a browsing session, conversation, or project and open it as if you never left. Every detail is restored.


Command / keyword

Play / Pause

option + space

Next frame

"create new space"

Previous frame

"create new space from desktop"

Search rewind

"launch" + name of space

Show specific screen




For more shortcuts use the “?” key when rewind is open


If there’s anything you don’t want to be captured, use the pause button or incognito mode.